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A mostrar mensagens de setembro, 2010
'- Do you think that is quite fair to appropiate the apples? - What, keep all the apples for themselves? - Aren't we to have any? - I thought they were going to be shared out equally.' The significance os these lines was lost on the BBC producer, Rayner Heppenstall, who cut them out. As Orwell did not revise Animal Farm, it is beyond an editor's remit to add them to the book, but they do highlight what Orwell told Geoffrey Gorer was the 'key passage' of Animal Farm.

Eles viam agora que o Mandamento não tinha sido violado

A few days later, when the terror caused by the executions had died down, some of the animals remembered – or thought they remembered – that the Sixth Commandment decreed: 'No animal shall kill any other animal'. And though no one cared to mention it in the hearing of the pigs or dogs, it was felt that the killings which had taken place did not square with this. Clover asked Benjamin to read her the Sixth Commandment, and when Benjamin, as usual, said that he refused to meddle in such matters, she fetched Muriel. Muriel read the Commandment for her. It ran: 'No animal shall kill any other animal without cause '. Somehow or other the last two words had slipped out of the animals' memory. But they saw now that the Commandment had not been violated; for clearly there was a good reason for killing the traitors who leagued themselves with Snowball. Alguns dias mais tarde, quando o terror causado pelas execuções desvaneceu-se, alguns dos animais lembraram-se - ou pensa...
None of this convinced the author of the article or other commenters. The general conviction was that Williams had not acted decisively for conservative causes, especially regarding sexuality, and therefore that anything he said or wrote that savored of theological orthodoxy amounted to protective coloration at best and outright deceit at worst. In their minds, he was the enemy of orthodoxy and therefore their enemy, and could be granted the benefit of no doubt. (Never mind that on liberal Anglican blogs he was simultaneously being condemned for having sold out to the forces of right-wing reaction. And never mind what Jesus said about loving your enemies, even assuming that Williams really is an “enemy.”) They believed that Williams was wrong and had to be resisted by all available means, tarred by any brush at hand. My response to this attitude is summed up perfectly in Archbishop Sentamu’s lament about a “general disregard for the truth.” The author and commenters bristled at ...
"And so, as we have come to focus our attention ever more on politics and the arts of public justice, we have increasingly defined our private, familial, and communal lives in similar terms. The pursuit of justice has come to define acts and experiences that once were governed largely by other virtues. It is this particular transformation that Wendell Berry was lamenting when he wrote, “Marriage, in what is evidently its most popular version, is now on the one hand an intimate ‘relationship’ involving (ideally) two successful careerists in the same bed, and on the other hand a sort of private political system in which rights and interests must be constantly asserted and defended. Marriage, in other words, has now taken the form of divorce: a prolonged and impassioned negotiation as to how things shall be divided.” That is, it has become a matter of justice rather than of love, an assertion of rights rather than a self-giving."
Receiving department, 3 a.m. Staff cuts have socked up the overage Directives are posted No callbacks, complaints Everywhere is calm Hong Kong is present Taipei awakes All talk of circadian rhythm I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache grey Daysleeper, daysleeper, daysleeper The bull and the bear are marking Their territories They're leading the blind with Their international glories I'm the screen, the blinding light I'm the screen, I work at night I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache grey Don't wake me with so much Daysleeper They cried the other night I can't even say why Fluorescent flat caffeine lights Its furious balancing I'm the screen, the blinding light I'm the screen, I work at night I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache grey Don't wake me with so much Don't wake me with so much. The Ocean machine is set to 9 I...