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A mostrar mensagens de julho, 2012
Oh thank you for your love Thank you for your love When all is falling in the seizure of pain Oh thank you for your love Thank you for your love Thank you for your love When I was lost in the darkness Oh thank you for your love I want to thank you, oh I want to thank you, oh I want to thank you, oh I want to thank you, oh Thank you Thank you for your love Thank you for your love When my mind was broken into a thousand pieces Oh thank you for your love I want to thank you, oh I want to thank you, oh I want to thank you, oh I want to thank you, oh Thank you I thank you
His embrace, a fortress It fuels me And places A skeleton of trust Right beneath us Bone by bone Stone by stone If you ask yourself patiently and carefully: Who is it ? Who is it that never lets you down ? Who is it that gave you back your crown ? And the ornaments are going around Now they're handing it over Handing it over He demands a closeness We all have earned a lightness Carry my joy on the left Carry my pain on the right O seu abraço, uma fortaleza que me dá energia e estabelece um esqueleto de confiança sob nós osso por osso pedra por pedra Se te perguntares cuidadosa e pacientemente: Quem é ele? Quem é ele, que nunca de deixa ficar mal? Quem é ele, que devolveu a tua coroa? E os ornamentos andam por aí agora vão ser distribuídos vão ser distribuídos Ele exige uma proximidade Todos nós adquirimos uma ligeireza Leva a minha alegria na mão esquerda Leva a minha dor na mão direita
 I'm not afraid Of anything in this world There's nothing you can throw at me That I haven't already heard I'm just trying to find A decent melody A song that I can sing In my own company I never thought you were a fool But darling, look at you. Ooh. You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight 'Cause tears are going nowhere baby You've got to get yourself together You've got stuck in a moment And now you can't get out of it Don't say that later will be better Now you're stuck in a moment And you can't get out of it I will not forsake The colors that you bring The nights you filled with fireworks They left you with nothing I am still enchanted By the light you brought to me I listen through your ears Through your eyes I can see You are such a fool To worry like you do.. Oh I know it's tough And you can never get enough Of what you don't really need now My, oh my You've got to get you...
As I went down in the river to pray Studying about that good old way And who shall wear the starry crown Good Lord, show me the way ! O sisters let's go down, Let's go down, come on down, O sisters let's go down, Down in the river to pray. O brothers let's go down, Let's go down, come on down, Come on brothers let's go down, Down in the river to pray. O fathers let's go down, Let's go down, come on down, O fathers let's go down, Down in the river to pray. O mothers let's go down, Let's go down, don't you want to go down, Come on mothers let's go down, Down in the river to pray. O sinners let's go down, Let's go down, come on down, O sinners let's go down, Down in the river to pray. Filme: O Brother Where Art Thou? Realizador: Irmãos Cohen

A Idade Média, conhecida como Idade das Trevas

A Idade Média, conhecida como "Idade das Trevas", foi uma das épocas de maior de-senvolvimento e criatividade técnica, artística e institucional da História. (...) todas as ditaduras exploram o povo para criar obras grandiosas à magnificência dos tiranos. Foi assim Roma e os reinos orientais. Destroçado o despotismo com a queda do império, a Cristandade gerou um surto de criatividade prática, pois as populações não temiam a pilhagem dos ditadores. Assim as realizações da Idade Média resultaram em melhorias da vida das aldeias, não em monumentos que os renascentistas poderiam admirar. Por isso esses intelectuais posteriores, nos seus gabinetes, desprezaram uma época sem mausoléus, enquanto louvavam as tiranias de que só conheciam a arquitectura e erudição. Os avanços conseguidos na chamada Idade das Trevas são impressionantes, todos dirigidos a melhorar a vida concreta (op. cit. c. II): ferraduras, arado, óculos, aquacultura, afolhamento trienal, chaminé, rel...

Sob o domínio da arte, da crueldade da boa arte

(...) the creation of truly great art requires a degree of concentration, commitment, dedication, and preoccupation — of selfishness, in a word — that sets that artist apart and makes him not an outlaw, exactly, but a law unto himself. (...) Dickens was a reformer, a social improver, a champion of the poor, a man who used his own money to set up a school and shelter for prostitutes (even as, Claire Tomalin’s new biography suggests, he was himself an enthusiastic customer of streetwalkers). His popularity was such that by the mid-19th century he was probably the most beloved figure in England, more popular even than the queen.        Dickens had a wretched childhood and was determined to do better by his own children. And yet he was at best an indifferent, misguided, and often neglectful parent, and an even worse husband. His marriage to Catherine Hogarth was probably a mistake to begin with, and as she grew fat and sickly (ten pregnancies can’t hav...
Most drone strikes take place within conventional warfare. Hundreds of armed US UAVs – and a handful of British ones – now patrol the skies above Afghanistan. Satellite control direct from the US is near-instant, as the pilot and navigator sit in air-conditioned comfort at an ever-expanding network of air force bases. More US pilots are now being trained to fly drones than for conventional fighter and bomber jets. Little wonder that the sequel to Tony Scott’s Top Gun is likely to be set on a drone base, a world where “kids play war games” by day “and then they party all night”. A maior parte dos ataques de drones ocorre no contexto da guerra convencional. Centenas de UAV's americanos armados - e uma mão cheia de britânicos - patrulham actualmente os céus do Afeganistão. O controlo directo por satélite a partir dos Estados Unidos é quase instantâneo, em que o piloto e o navegador estão sentados confortavelmente numa sala com ar condicionado, numa rede de bases da forç...