By the 1970s, as a student evangelist in Canada, Chile, Brazil and the Philippines I had a chance to engage with students who showed this new openness to the religious. I remember the physics student in Mexico who shouted at me during the question time in a lecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, 'We are not any more interested in Marx and how to change the world. What I would like to know is if the Christian faith has a method for developing the potential of the spiritual forces inside me'. In many cases this new attitude allowed Christians to demonstrate a freer and uninhibited expression of their faith through prayer, song and drama in the open air. I found myself involved in dialogues with people whose language was strangely similar to the language of some forms of evangelicalism: joy in the heart, a feeling of self-realization, a sense of peace and harmony, a feeling of goodwill towards all human beings, including animals and planet earth. However, when I...
"Examinai tudo. Retende o bem", I Tessalonicenses 5:21