We must drink from the spring to quench our thirst; sipping only makes us more thirsty. Similarly, if we wish to think, write and live like prophets, the apostles and the saints, we must abandon ourselves, like them, to God's purpose for us. O mystery of love! We imagine that miracles are over, and that all we can do now is to copy your works of old and repeat your ancient words! We do not see that your continuing operation is an everlasting source of fresh ideas, fresh suffering and action, of new prophets, patriarchs, apostles and saints who have no need to follow in each other's footsteps, but live in a continuing abandonment to your secret intentions. (...) We long for the opportunity to die for God, and to live heroically. To lose all, to die forsaken, to sacrifice ourselves for others; such notions enchant us. But I, heavenly Father, will worship and glorify your purpose, finding in it all the joy of martyrdom, self-sacrifice and duty to my neighbour. This is ...
"Examinai tudo. Retende o bem", I Tessalonicenses 5:21